Page Rank is an evaluation tool developed by Google. Page Rank determines the relevance of each web page or blog article and subsequently influences the position in Google search engine. The higher PageRank your web has the more likely will your website appear on the higher pages of Google search. The most common way how to improve PR is through backlinks. Backlinks are simply links which point to your website from other sites. Many people think there is a direct connection between PageRank and the amount of web traffic because you will probably appears higher in Google search so you should be seen by more people. There is no doubt that better PageRank can influence web traffic (in the way of higher position in Google). But I doubt it has significant impact on the traffic. Despite this people often ascribe to the PR higher importance than it really has. The PageRank it self will not guarantee you more visitors. It may only give you higher probability of getting them, that is all.

But if the Page Rank is not the main factor which can improve the traffic, what is it?
In my opinion what will really bring the traffic to your website are well selected keywords and the quality of your content. Well selected keywords are essential for your traffic. If you choose the words which are not searched very often, despite your high PR or the quality of your articles you will never gain high traffic. So writing about things which interest lots of people is great prerequisite which can noticeably influence your traffic. Another very important thing is to write articles often because regularly updated blogs appear on the search engines higher.

Come to the conclusion. In my opinion (and I think I am right about this:) The PageRank is not very important factor which can influence the website traffic. People should focus more on writing of original articles with well selected keywords. If you don’t know how to select right keywords (those which are often searched in search engines) I would suggest you to use Google Keywords Tool. This helpful tool can help you to choose the most appropriate keywords.


Open moon project said... @ September 18, 2009 at 7:35 AM

I got to totally agree with you, most people only worry about getting the PR up and forget that their visitors are human visitors and not google bots looking for keywords.
I think if you write something valuable for the readers the PR will automatically go up. :)

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