If you want to succeed in your online business you need to know how to promote it and get as much traffic as possible. There is surely many tips and tricks which work but in this article I would like to focus on the most essential and really working free ways of business promotion.

1. Submit your blog to product directories
No matter what product or service you are selling the great way how to improve the traffic for your blog is submission of your products into product directories. These sites work like search engines but they search in listed products. So don’t miss this chance to get visible. I like especially Google Products Search and allproducts com. But there are plenty of other product directories.

2. Exchange link with sellers of complementary products
Think about your products and try to find complementary products which are your customers buying along with your products. After you find these products focus on their main online sellers and try to persuade them to link exchange with you. It is both way profitable so it should not be that hard.

3. Free articles directories
If you are good in writing and know well how it goes in business, writing free articles can help you to become respectable authority. People will know you and they will trust you so they will buy your products easier. Along with these articles you can often submit also your short bio with the link to your website. Good place where to submit is ezine there is plenty of other sites as well.

4. Free advertising
There are nice services on the Internet such as Free For All Pages or classified ads where you can submit your ads for free.

5. Get subscribers
Try to gain as much subscribers as possible. The best way how to do it is offer them something for free (for example e-book or sample of your product) if they subscribe. Then you can send them emails with updates about your products or about special discounts or offers. But don’t spam them. One mail in a month is enough.

6. Be active at forums
First of all choose only respectful and active forums with many users. The forums should be related to your business or products. Act nicely and help other users. Place your link in your signature so more active you will be the higher exposure of your link you will receive.

7. Be active on social networks
Big phenomena of present days are social networks. So why don’t use them to gain more traffic? Create account at facebook and tweeter. Be active and gain friends. You can promote your link or product on your profile side.

8. Publish YouTube videos
YouTube is more and more popular with huge traffic daily. Before you can gain a part of this traffic you have to persuade others to subscribe for your channel. Is not that hard subscribe to other people and they will probably subscribe to you. After that start to publish regularly short videos and tutorials. If your tutorials will be helpful you will become well knows youtube publisher so people will like to subscribe for you. You can promote your business at your profile page.

I hope this article was interesting for you and will help to increase your traffic and sales. Wish you good luck:)


Harry said... @ July 29, 2009 at 12:56 PM

Nice post,

Internet businesses are one of the best opportunities that today’s technology has to offer. Internet marketing has been one of the primary services that have made internet businesses so successful. Of course, just like in traditional businesses, successful marketing is one of the prerequisites for a successful enterprise. This is why internet marketing tips, whether you pay for them or undergo free lessons, are so important to starting and sustaining your online business.

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