I know this topic is not related to the online business. But I have to share this. I spend last 4 hours trying to display HTML code in previous article about SEO optimization. I must say it was the biggest challenge I had to face since I have started blogging. Why? Because all the tutorials I have found on the Internet were simply not working for me. I don’t know why, maybe it is because of my layout. After all my trying I manage to do it. I admit it is not the easiest way but the only which works for me. So if anybody else have problem display HTML code in ordinary way (by using only escaped code). Try this method which uses Iframes.

Tutorial: How to display HTML code using Iframes
1. Copy html code you want to display in blog and past it here. Click on the “Make it friendly” button on the bottom. You will see the text which will looks quite messed up. I don’t want to bother you with the explanation why we had to do this or what this newly created text means. Just copy the whole text.

2. Open your Notepad and past this text.

3. Save notepad using Save as option and change the .txt file extension for .htm

4. Now you have to find free hosting provider. There are many of them but almost all of them delete your files after 30 days. So I rather decided for free Google pages. As far as I know they don’t delete files.

5. Now log in to your account and “Create a new page”.

6. You will be taken to newly created page, since we don’t want to design the layout, for our purpose just click “Back to site manager”.

7. On the right side of your site manager there is an "Uploaded staff" widget. Click and upload your .htm file.

8. Write down the link location (or simple right click on the uploaded fail and choose Copy link location).

9. We are almost finished. Now just copy the code below:

10. Replace the example link from the box above (example link is:
http://hosting-provider.com/your-file.html) for the link which you noted down in the step 8. You can also change the width and height of the box. And that's it. If you follow all the steps correctly you should have the box with the code similar to mine in step 9.

Hope this was understandable and helpful. I must thank very much to BlogerBuster where I learned this trick.


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