Have you ever heard about favorite icons or just favicons? Those are that little images which appear next to the web address in the web browsers. If you are thinking about creating your business blog this is the great way how to incorporate your business identity into your blog. If you want to be different than the others this is fancy way how to do it.
So first of all we are going to need small software which changes your common image file (.jpg) into icon file (.ico). I use free software called Imagicon. Just google it, download and install. In the options of this software you can set the dimensions of the icon file choose 16x16 or 32x32.
Second thing you should do is creating your own image which you want to use as your icon. If you want to use it for business blog, it is great to have your business logo as your icon. Great software for creating images is Photoshop. But if you are not skilled enough with Photoshop or you are just lazy to design your own icon, there are many free icons available on the Internet.
Now if you downloaded free icon form the Internet, you can skip to the next paragraph. But if you designed your own image, you are going to need to convert it into ico file. It is simple open Imagico software and drag your saved image into the window. The software will automatically change your image into ico file and save it.
The next step is to upload your ico file into hosting server. I prefer free hosting by Google Page Creator. If you are logged in click on the Create a new page. You will be taken to layout of your new website. We are not going to design the website so just click “Back to site manager”. On the right site of your site manager you can see “Uploaded staff” widget. Click on the link Upload and add your icon. After you uploaded your icon, write down its url.
Log in to your blogger dashboard. Click the Layout of blog where you want to have your icon. Now click on Edit HTML and look for this part of html code (use ctrl+f for search)
Copy the following code right after the link above.
Change the part “URL of your icon file” for the url link of your icon you written down before.
Preview your template and if you are satisfied with result save it. That's all.
I just want to thank for the great tutorial from Tips For New Bloggers website which helped me to learn this great trick. If you are using png or gif images, or need more information I suggest you to visit this tutorial.
[Thursday, July 30, 2009
thanks it's working
thanks man..
it works..
If you don't have an element of your logo to use for a favicon - Logo Origins - http://www.logoorigns.com can help you isolate a graphic to create your favicon.
Great software for creating images is Photoshop. But if you are not skilled enough with Photoshop or you are just lazy to design your own icon, there are many free icons available on the Internet.
hey..the google page had been shut down..so
can U tell or find out another way..?
It's called Google Sites now. And it works similarly.
In google sites (once you have a frame work set up) click 'edit page' top right and then page editor opens, it looks a lot like a blogger post editor. Click 'insert' on the far left and from the drop down menu choose 'image'. Upload your ico file and it will land it on the page. Right click your image and choose 'copy link location' then continue with these instructions. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
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